Friday, January 1, 2016

New year, time to focus!

Happy New Year everyone! 

I was never good at sticking to resolutions, because I always felt like I was just doing it because I needed to choose something to fix for the new year. I love the idea of refocusing, regrouping, and reorganizing to accomplish something I want to accomplish in the new year, but I like to think that instead of resolving to do something, I would change my perspective a little bit and focus on what I want my future to look like and what I can do to take steps toward that future in the coming year. 

I got some inspiration from Levo's #31DaysofHustle campaign and decided to choose one word I would use to define my 2016. I chose the word "yes". This means saying yes to the things that I normally would not say yes to because I am worried about taking a risk or am feeling under-confident (such as taking a challenging work or personal project or taking those Judo classes I have been wanting to take). My goal is to remember that I am much more awesome than I think I am sometimes and I need to expand my horizons by saying "yes". I am sure I will be very glad I did. 

Do you have a word that describes your 2016? You can always head over to Levo for some inspiration! 

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